Saddest momments in life
There are some events in life that you just wish you could lock up and throw the key away but sometimes,you just have to face up to your past and confront it and take it as it comes.The saddest moment of my life was really sad.Did I lose a loved one?No.But something happened to me which I have tried to forget but well,I have not succeeded in forgetting so maybe I should share it,who knows,it could ease the pain.
It all happened in 1994.I was in JS1 then,was a happy girl with not a care in the world till one night,all that was gone.My big cousin had gone home for the weekend and left me to the care of her trusted friend.In the night,she asked me to come sleep on her bed with her.Innocent as I was,I obliged thinking I was lying down woth a humanbeing.I woke up in the night and felt a sharp pain between my legs and my lower abdomen.I started in shock and a hand covered my mouth.Godd!!!! it was painful.The tears stung my eyes,with the last shred of strength,I pushed the person off and reached for the room light switch.Who was my assailant?My cousin's trusted friend!!!!I felt so sad,I looked down at myself and saw the blood flowing freely.I ran out into the dark night with no destination in mind and I was screaming.It was the scream that woke others up.Other seniors chased after me and held me down,tried to calm me down,cleaned me up and after a while,I slept off.That incident never left me.I mean,it is always firmly planted that it was a girl that broke me.Never gonna know what ot is like to be disvirgined by a real man.Well,like the French say,c'est la vie!!!
Another incident happened in my JS2 when I was accused of stealing my friend's 220 naira.I was shocked.I was beaten and tortured in school for close to one week.It was then I knew that the human body could go without food for days without feeling it.It was that bad.After my parents had paid the money,she late found at the bottom of her box.Apologies where made and all that,but they never really knew the damage they had caused.I had this inferiority complex for a long time and shut people out,I had been betrayed by a best friend so what the hell did I need friends for?I was so on my own and it was hell.I have snapped out of it though,but it kind of creeps up at times.That is life for you.
It all happened in 1994.I was in JS1 then,was a happy girl with not a care in the world till one night,all that was gone.My big cousin had gone home for the weekend and left me to the care of her trusted friend.In the night,she asked me to come sleep on her bed with her.Innocent as I was,I obliged thinking I was lying down woth a humanbeing.I woke up in the night and felt a sharp pain between my legs and my lower abdomen.I started in shock and a hand covered my mouth.Godd!!!! it was painful.The tears stung my eyes,with the last shred of strength,I pushed the person off and reached for the room light switch.Who was my assailant?My cousin's trusted friend!!!!I felt so sad,I looked down at myself and saw the blood flowing freely.I ran out into the dark night with no destination in mind and I was screaming.It was the scream that woke others up.Other seniors chased after me and held me down,tried to calm me down,cleaned me up and after a while,I slept off.That incident never left me.I mean,it is always firmly planted that it was a girl that broke me.Never gonna know what ot is like to be disvirgined by a real man.Well,like the French say,c'est la vie!!!
Another incident happened in my JS2 when I was accused of stealing my friend's 220 naira.I was shocked.I was beaten and tortured in school for close to one week.It was then I knew that the human body could go without food for days without feeling it.It was that bad.After my parents had paid the money,she late found at the bottom of her box.Apologies where made and all that,but they never really knew the damage they had caused.I had this inferiority complex for a long time and shut people out,I had been betrayed by a best friend so what the hell did I need friends for?I was so on my own and it was hell.I have snapped out of it though,but it kind of creeps up at times.That is life for you.
At 5:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
aww, poor child. why do i suddenly have this urge to beat someone now for what they did to ya? dont worry mami, sometimes it takes a bad experience to get us ready to face this cruel world.
At 5:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry cutie! Shit happens. It could have been worse.I guess u came out stronger from d experience. Cheers.
At 4:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
so sorry this happened to you, knowing a man will still be different the first time, so you hold on to your first time. Frankly i think its over rated 'first time i mean'. I didnt bleed my first time, but it was damn painful. Dont know why i didnt bleed but i didnt think much of it. I am 31 and a recent mother, been married for about 8 years now, and believe me there are other things to occupy your mind. Just let it go and find other nice things to occupy your mind. Take care.
At 4:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shtk happens dear, and I'm glad you are really living beyond the experience, as you are able to put it up here. Quoting 'Jane Austen', "Just let it go and find other nice things to occupy your mind.
Bon courage jolie dame!
At 7:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow... so that's sad, huh? I'm so sorry to hear that... I'm curious though... when you say it was a girl that 'broke' you... did she use something? I'm not sure if you're aware, but sticking your fingers in there as deep as they can go, will NOT break your hymen... Just curious about that... Also, did they really make you go an ENTIRE week without any food? At all?... No provisions or anything like that? I do apologize for the very many questions, I'm just intrigued... Oh, I checked out the 'nairaland' site, and you're's pretty cool... I also read your 'kitchen' story... That's actually why I'm as curious as I am...
At 1:41 AM,
Chxta said…
Is this for real?
At 8:43 AM,
Unknown said…
Shit like this happen all the time in schools.
I have been asked by fellow girls to be their GIRLFRIEND/LOVER but I always say no cos I dont see what I will enjoy in a gurl.
ANyway, wave it aside.
Life goes on.....
At 5:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry girl.
Anyways dont know if you remember me, OgaMadam from Nairaland.
Your site is allright. and your pics look great.
Keep your spirit and self confidence up. God has a plan 4 ya.
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