
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My bestest online forum

You know sometimes,you just get online and you do not know what to do. It all happened one day when I was sooo bored and was searching for a particular person on google and somehow, I stumbled on .I started posting and I discovered that i got addicted to the website.
Let me tell you about nairaland. It is an online forum for Nigerians and friends of Nigeria.Highly educative, funny,romantic and it could really get steamy sometimes.The site is owned and run by Oluwaseun Osewa.(I will talk about him later).
Some of the high profile members include hotangel, Orikinla, eastcoast, efani, ushergirl, nferyn, chinani, snazzydawn(me),diddy,wesleyana and zahymaka. Laziness will not permit me to type out the names of all the high profile members.

You really need to check out this forum for every form of information you need.Everybody always has something to say about something and somebody.It is always a beehive of activities.

Now to the admin,Seun Osewa;he sure is a nice guy when he wants to be nice and believe me, he can be really nice.As long as there are people in a place, there will always be misunderstandings and believe me, Nairaland can be very annoying when you are banned by Seun. Anytime I make up my mind to leave, I always find myself going back. I need to go to rehab to cure my addiction to this wonderful site. What am I trying to say here?


  • At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeah baby, nl sure rocks. thats where i met many good nice ppl and some bad ones. u know how it is, where there is OSAMA, there must be BUSH, lol. if no other thing,im glad the site led me to meeting some nice folks including the lovely snazzy da bomb.

  • At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nairaland. What can i say? Nairaland is Just Nairaland.

    Nairaland, really is Nairaland. lol

  • At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'll say u are a very pretty girl - Ur b/f is lucky to have u cos not only are u pretty, u also have a good head on ur shoulder and i'm not saying literarily.
    I look forward to meeting u someday.

    Ademola (demrond)

  • At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yea, I love Nairaland so much that when Seun banned me I never allowed him to rest until he unbanned me! However, I'm more of a silent listener at

  • At 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yea u right, NL's da bomb, been to other forums, yet couldn't find that spark. But for the hoax that Seun is this this that, it's all gud.

    Ur blog looks cool.

  • At 2:39 PM, Blogger Seun Osewa said…

    I appreciate this post very much.
    Please don't give up on your blog.

  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Nairaland is a very good website...but dunno why im no more addicted, its still one of my favorite nigerian forum tho


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