
Sunday, May 13, 2007


Finally got round to doing this. Laziness is a sin,I swear!!!

You know, it is advisable to always at one point in life take stock of our lives. It makes us to know where we have gone wrong and what areas in our lives need amendment.

There is no telling the power of pictures of the past. If you looked more carefully,you would know exactly at what point you started going haywire!
Last night, I was going through my old pictures,old diaries,write-ups,little notes and love letters. I discovered that I could draw the line between when I was reeking of innocence and now that I do not even understand my life anymore!

Not that it is a mess now, but hey! sometimes I just feel like throwing caution to the winds,forget my "reputation"(one I have worked hard to build), drop all the formings and go back to the sweet, innocent girl I used to be. Old stuff like that have a way of evoking strong emotions within you. As I looked at some of the pictures, I laughed and also, some of them made me break down in tears.

There are times I wish I were an innocent 5 year old again,oblivious of the harsh realities of life.At times like that,I just crawl into a corner and weep.
All hope is not lost,though. I know that somewhere, within this tough, sophisticated exterior,there still exists that sweet, innocent girl full of sunny smiles!


  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger Greatpeter said…

    Babe, I can feel your emotion over your past. And good to know that you have passed the stage.
    We all have that crumbs.
    But we do not allow our past to determine our future.

  • At 2:17 PM, Blogger Azuka said…

    Welcome back Snazz.You lazy no be small(j/k).

    I love going through my mementos of the past -- so many mistakes I learnt from, so many I haven't, and of course all the fun.

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Yes its like that sometimes, but u need to be determined...thats just it

  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    It happens like that sometimes, but u just need to be determined..thats it

  • At 4:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Where on earth have you been, girl? 4 months, no blogpost!!! Don't try it again o. Anyway, I feel you on the innocent thing. I was talking with someone on the same issue, unfortunately we can't go back to where we were 5 years ago, but we can change where we will be in 5 years time.


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